[[http://www.latp.univ-mrs.fr/~henry/reseau/logiciels/|Ancien lien]]
====== Logiciels scientifiques ======
===== Logiciels commerciaux, soumis à licences =====
^ Logiciels ^ machines ^ Version installée ^ Date ^ Documentation ^ Commentaires ^
| [[matlab]] | signal,judith | 2018b | | | |
===== Logiciels équivalents gratuits =====
^ Logiciels ^ machines ^ Version installée ^ Date ^ Documentation ^ Commentaires ^
| [[scilab]] | nemo, octopus | | | | |
| [[Octave]] | toutes | | | | |
| [[http://www.sagemath.org|sage]] | octopus | 5.11 | | | [[reserve:logiciel_sage|Notes]] |
| [[http://www.sagemath.org|sage]] | penelope | 6.3 | | /local/apps/src/sage-6.3/sage | [[reserve:logiciel_sage|Notes]] |
| [[http://www.r-project.org|R]] | nemo | 2.6.1 | | | [[logiciel_R|Notes]] |
| [[mathemagix]] | octopus | | 25 mai 10 | | Système de calcul formel et analytique généraliste |
| [[axiom]] | octopus | | 25 mai 10 | | |
===== Autres logiciels =====
^ Logiciels ^ machines ^ Version installée ^ Date ^ Documentation ^ Commentaires ^
| svn | toutes | | sept 05 | [[subversion]] | [[support@cmi.univ-mrs.fr|demander]] un compte sur le serveur subversion de mathrice |
| cvs | toutes | | | [[cvs]] | [[support@cmi.univ-mrs.fr|demander]] un compte sur le serveur CVS du CMI |
| [[compilateurs Sun]] | nemo, slatp, shrek | | | | |
| [[compilateurs Intel]] | slatp, shrek | | | /opt/intel/.../doc/ | |
| [[MPI]] | nemo | Mpich, MPI, OpenMPI | | |
| [[MPI|MPICH]] | nemo, slatp, shrek | | | | |
| [[http://developers.sun.com/solaris/articles/omp-intro.html|OpenMP]] | nemo | | | | inclus dans les compilateurs Sun Studio |
| [[ATLAS]] | shrek | 3.6.0 | | | |
| [[AMD Performance Library]] | nemo | 4.0.0 | | [[http://developer.amd.com/acml3.jsp|(AMD Core Math Library) (BLAS, Lapack,FFT)]] | 64 bits uniquement |
| [[BLAS]] | nemo, slatp, shrek | | | | [[http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/resources/software/#blas|GotoBLAS]] |
^ Logiciels ^ machines ^ Version installée ^ Date ^ Documentation ^ Commentaires ^
| [[CBLAS]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[LAPACK]] | nemo, slatp, shrek | | | | |
| [[BLACS]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[ScaLAPACK]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[UMFPACK]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[PETSC]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[Pelicans]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[Hypre]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[Mumps]] | nemo | | | | |
| [[http://www-xdiv.lanl.gov/XCM/gmv/GMVHome.html|gmv]] | nemo, slatp et shrek | | | [[notes_gmv|notes]] | [[ftp://serengheti/gmv|binaires linux]] et |
| [[Dune]] | octopus | | | | |
^ Logiciels ^ machines ^ Version installée ^ Date ^ Documentation ^ Commentaires ^
| [[Pari]] | nemo | 2.2 | | | [[http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/Current/doc/asir2000/html-eg/man_10.html#SEC10|Notes]] |
| [[http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/Asir/asir.html|Asir]] | nemo | 20060809 | | | [[asir|Notes]] |
| [[http://www.boost.org|Boost]] | nemo | 1.34.1 | | | [[boost|Notes]] |
| [[http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/|gsl]] | nemo, octopus | 1.9 sur nemo, 1.13-3 sur octopus | | | [[gsl|Notes]] |
| [[|gmsh]] | nemo | 2.2.3 | | | [[gmsh|Notes]] |
| [[Macaulay2]] | | | | | |
| [[scipy]] | | | | | Scientific Tools for Python |
| [[MPTK]] | | | | | the Matching Pursuit ToolKit |
| [[PyML]] | | | | | PyML is an interactive object oriented framework for machine learning written in python |
^ Logiciels ^ machines ^ Version installée ^ Date ^ Documentation ^ Commentaires ^
| [[paraview|Paraview]] | | | | | |
| [[k3]] | | | | | |
| [[boost]] | | | | | |
| [[Tix]] | | | | | |
| [[graphviz]] | | | | | |
| [[matplotlib]] | | | | | |
| [[arpack]] | | | | | |
| [[Apache C++ stdlib]] | | | | | |
| [[NONMEM]] | nemo | 6.1.0 | | | [[http://c255.ucsf.edu/nonmem1.html|non-linear mixed effects modeling.]] |
| [[HSL]] | nemo | | | | [[http://hsl.rl.ac.uk/archive/hslarchive.html|HSL Archive]] |
| [[FreeFem++]] | octopus | 3.13.2 | juil 11 | [[http://www.freefem.org/ff++]] | FreeFem++ is an implementation of a language dedicated to the finite element method. It enables you to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDE) easily. |
| [[silo]] | octopus | 4.8 | oct 11 | [[https://wci.llnl.gov/codes/silo/downloads.html]] | |
====== Logiciels bureautique ======
**Kaspersky Endpoint**
Clé jusqu'au 15 juin 2020
Activation licence Mac : Dans un terminal : kav addkey my.key avec droits admin
===== Latex =====
2 distributions sont disponibles sur les serveurs calypso/mombasa/protis:
* Gutenberg/TexLive7 disponible par défaut
mombasa-henry% /opt/csw/bin/latex poster_cfm07.tex
* Tetex 3.0, plus récente, modifier le PATH pour l'utiliser
mombasa-henry% which latex
mombasa-henry% setenv PATH /opt/csw/bin:${PATH}
mombasa-henry% which latex
Par exemple, cette version plus récente permet de compiler sans problème les posters.
mombasa-root% (setenv PATH /opt/csw/bin:${PATH}; texconfig)
=========================== version information ==========================
teTeX-src release: 3.0
teTeX-texmf release: 3.0
==================== binaries found by searching $PATH ===================
kpsewhich: /opt/csw/bin/kpsewhich
updmap: /opt/csw/bin/updmap
fmtutil: /opt/csw/bin/fmtutil
texconfig: /opt/csw/bin/texconfig
tex: /opt/csw/bin/tex
pdfetex: /opt/csw/bin/pdfetex
mktexpk: /opt/csw/bin/mktexpk
dvips: /opt/csw/bin/dvips
dvipdfm: /opt/csw/bin/dvipdfm
=========================== active config files ==========================
============================= font map files =============================
psfonts.map: /opt/csw/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/psfonts.map
pdftex.map: /opt/csw/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map
ps2pk.map: /opt/csw/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvips/updmap/ps2pk.map
dvipdfm.map: /opt/csw/share/texmf-var/fonts/map/dvipdfm/updmap/dvipdfm.map
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