====== NONMEM ====== * license 1506 expire 29 oct 08 * produit [[http://www.iconplc.com/technology/products/nonmem/]] * support: [[http://www.icondevsolutions.com/techsupport.htm]] * * [[http://www.cognigencorp.com/index.php/cognigen/resources_nonmem|discussions]] ===== installation sur octopus (linux + sunstudio) ===== __nettoyage__ [devel1@octopus ~/nmvi]$ rm nm/*.f pr/PRED.f tr/*.f tl/PK.f [devel1@octopus ~/nmvi]$ find . -name '*.exe' -exec rm {} \; [devel1@octopus ~/nmvi]$ find . -name '*.o' -exec rm {} \; __compilation__ [devel1@octopus ~/nmvi]$ ./SETUP /local/apps/nmvi f77 ' -g ' /usr/bin/ar intel seule l'option -g donne un résultat pour l'instant __test__ [devel1@octopus run]$ ./nmfe6 CONTROL5 REPORT5 WARNINGS AND ERRORS (IF ANY) FOR PROBLEM 1 (WARNING 2) NM-TRAN INFERS THAT THE DATA ARE POPULATION. (WARNING 43) THE $PK BLOCK REQUESTS "CALL ONCE PER INDIVIDUAL RECORD", BUT DATA ITEMS ARE USED IN THE $PK BLOCK. VALUES OF THESE DATA ITEMS SUBSEQUENT TO THOSE FROM THE FIRST EVENT RECORD WILL BE IGNORED. IF THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE, THE CALL DATA ITEM CAN BE USED TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL CALLS, OR $PK'S CALLING PROTOCOL SHOULD BE CHANGED. Starting nonmem execution ... ===== installation ===== > cd /local/apps/ > mkdir nmvi > ./SETUP complete: Command not found NONMEM VI INSTALLATION UTILITY - UNIX CSH VERSION For instructions, see Appendix 4 of NONMEM Users Guide - Part III (NONMEM Installation Guide) complete: Command not found NONMEM VI directory is /local/apps/nmvi Command for FORTRAN compiles is f77 Options for Fortran compiles is -O Command to build NONMEM archive is /usr/ccs/bin/ar IEEE constants will be used To learn how to override the defaults, enter % SETUP help Continue (y/n) [y]? Installing NONMEM VI (Enter Ctrl-C to interrupt) ... Step 1. Make sub-directories of /local/apps/nmvi Files have uppercase names - skipping step 2. Step 3. Copy NMLINK6, etc. to sub-directories. Step 4a. Make changes to sep.f Step 4. Compile sep utility. Step 5. Separate files NMD, PPD1, PPD2, TRAN, and TRLD. Continue (y/n) [y]? Step 5a. Separate NMD ... Make changes to BLKDAT.f ( original is BLKDAT.save ) Make changes to BEGIN.f (original is BEGIN.save ) Make changes to FLU.f (original is FLU.save ) Step 5b. Separate PPD1 and PPD2 ... Step 5c. Separate TRAN ... Step 5d. Separate TRLD ... Step 6. Compile source files *.f. Continue (y/n) [y]? Step 6a. Compile NONMEM (this may take a while) ... Step 6b. Compile PREDPP (this may take a while) ... Step 6c. Compile NM-TRAN (this may take a while) ... Step 6d. Compile NM-TRAN Library Routines (this may take a while) ... Step 7. Build NONMEM archive nm/nonmem.a Step 8. Build nmtran.exe Step 9a. Create nmlink6.f Step 9b. Create path.for Step 9c. Compile nmlink6.f Step 10. Create shell script util/nmfe6 Step 11. Create directory run run contains the following files: nmfe6 CONTROL3 CONTROL5 DATA3 THEOPP Installation of NONMEM V is finished. For future reference, the command has been saved in file SETUP.TXT Please review nm/emsgs.txt pr/emsgs.txt tr/emsgs.txt tl/emsgs.txt Ignore warnings. Report error messages. To test the installation, type (e.g.) cd run nmfe6 CONTROL5 REPORT5 Step 12. Make changes to help/nmhelp For online help, enter (e.g.) cd /local/apps/nmvi/help nmhelp advan2 > ./nmfe6 CONTROL5 REPORT5 complete: Command not found WARNINGS AND ERRORS (IF ANY) FOR PROBLEM 1 (WARNING 2) NM-TRAN INFERS THAT THE DATA ARE POPULATION. (WARNING 43) THE $PK BLOCK REQUESTS "CALL ONCE PER INDIVIDUAL RECORD", BUT DATA ITEMS ARE USED IN THE $PK BLOCK. VALUES OF THESE DATA ITEMS SUBSEQUENT TO THOSE FROM THE FIRST EVENT RECORD WILL BE IGNORED. IF THIS IS NOT APPROPRIATE, THE CALL DATA ITEM CAN BE USED TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL CALLS, OR $PK'S CALLING PROTOCOL SHOULD BE CHANGED. NOTICE: Invoking /opt/studio12/SUNWspro/bin/f90 -f77 -ftrap=%none -o nonmem -O FSUBS.f /local/apps/nmvi/pr/PRED.o /local/apps/nmvi/pr/PREDI.o /local/apps/nmvi/pr/CHECK.o /local/apps/nmvi/pr/SADVAN.o /local/apps/nmvi/pr/ADVAN2.o /local/apps/nmvi/pr/SSS0.o /local/apps/nmvi/pr/TRANS1.o /local/apps/nmvi/pr/INFN.o /local/apps/nmvi/nm/NONMEM.o /local/apps/nmvi/nm/BLKDAT.o /local/apps/nmvi/nm/nonmem.a FSUBS.f: pk: error: Starting nonmem execution ... Note: IEEE floating-point exception flags raised: Inexact; Underflow; Invalid Operation; See the Numerical Computation Guide, ieee_flags(3M) ====== debug ====== > pwd /local/apps/nmvi > \rm -rf pr tl nm tr util run > ./SETUP /local/apps/nmvi f77 ' -g -fnonstd ' /usr/ccs/bin/ar ou aussi: ''-g -C -stackvar -fpover -ftrap=%none -Xlist -u'' directement lancer le debugger: > dbx nonmem For information about new features see `help changes' To remove this message, put `dbxenv suppress_startup_message 7.6' in your .dbxrc Reading nonmem Reading ld.so.1 Reading libfui.so.2 Reading libfsu.so.1 Reading libsunmath.so.1 Reading libmtsk.so.1 Reading libm.so.2 Reading libc.so.1 Reading libm.so.1 Reading libdl.so.1 Reading libthread.so.1 Reading libpthread.so.1 (dbx) list CELS.f 1 C THE NONMEM SYSTEM MAY BE DISTRIBUTED ONLY BY GLOBOMAX, LLC. (dbx) stop at 103 (2) stop at "CELS.f":103 (dbx) run < FCON > REPORT5 t@1 (l@1) program terminated by signal FPE (invalid floating point operation) Current function is cels 103 IF (ICAT.NE.0.AND.CTLW.GE.CTUP) THEN (dbx) where current thread: t@1 =>[1] cels(cnt = 0.0, p1 = ARRAY, p2 = ARRAY, ier1 = 0, ier2 = 0), line 103 in "CELS.f" [2] ncontr(cnt = 0.0, ier1 = 0, ier2 = 0, l2r = 0), line 329 in "NCONTR.f" [3] obj(o = -NaN.0), line 1636 in "OBJ.f" [4] zxmin1(funct = 0x80e8c10, nsig = 3, maxfn = 450, jopt = 0, w = ARRAY, opint = 5), line 222 in "ZXMIN1.f" [5] estim(ier = 0), line 156 in "ESTIM.f" [6] MAIN(), line 45 in "NONMEM.f" et : (dbx) print ICAT icat = 3 (dbx) print CTLW ctlw = NaN (dbx) print CTUP ctup = -NaN.0 it seems to be related with something in COMMON, after many tries, i noticed that before calling ZXMIN1, CX has a valid value, and just the program enters in ZXMIN1, CX=-Nan !? Le problème est réglé après un échange de mails avec une personne de Globomax, il faut récupérer le ficiher PRNT.f et lancer la commande: ./SETUP /local/apps/nmvi f95 ' -g ' /usr/xpg4/bin/ar intel y