Table des matières

Profiling, mesures, performances

Profiling CPU with Sun Studio 12

Exemple Le programme est compilé avec les options d'optimisation:

bash-3.2$ collect -p 1000u -h insts/0,100000 ./poisson donnees12.dat
Creating experiment database


ATS, BIT, and Discover

Automatic Tuning and Troubleshooting System (ATS) is a binary reoptimization and recompilation tool that can be used for tuning and troubleshooting applications.

Binary Improvement Tool (BIT) works directly with Solaris binaries to instrument, optimize, and analyze them for performance or code coverage.

The Sun Memory Error Discovery Tool (Discover) is used by software developers to detect programming errors related to the allocation and use of program memory at runtime.

studio12 u1



Simple Performance Optimization Tool (SPOT), produces a report on the performance of an application. The spot report contains detailed information about various common conditions that impact performance.
