
recompilation de solver-bench sur judith (CentOS7)

dune sur judith, ne pas oublier:

[root@judith ~]# yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
  • dans /local/apps/src/dune
  • dernière version du solver-bench: 0.70
  • a besoin de : (voir config.log)

si on essaie de recompiler UMFPACK en utilisant le script de RK: ./umfpack_installer.sh

./umfpack_simple: error while loading shared libraries: libgfortran.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


[root@judith ~]# yum provides "*/libgfortran.so.1"
compat-libgfortran-41-4.1.2-44.el7.i686 : Compatibility Fortran 95 runtime
                                        : library version 4.1.2
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/lib/libgfortran.so.1

on installe cette lib:

[root@judith ~]# yum install compat-libgfortran-41-4.1.2-44.el7

et on lance l'install, voir umfpack_installer.LOG, qui montre plein de différences sur les résultats obtenus, est ce que c'est génant?
autre erreur, le do_work.sh ne passe pas à cause du compilo fortran qui n'accepte plus le -R alors qu'avant, il signalait juste l'erreur mais créeait quand même l'exécutable. On enlève le -R de LD_FLAGS et ça passe:

Found the following Dune-components:


dune-common.............: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/Dune) version 2.0
dune-istl...............: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/Dune) version 2.0
BLAS....................: yes
METIS...................: no
MPI.....................: no
PETSC...................: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5)
ParMETIS................: no
SLEPC...................: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4/linux-gnu-c-opt)
SuperLU-DIST............: no
SuperLU.................: no
UMFPACK.................: yes

ensuite, on lance le make
autre erreur:

/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/include/dune/common/nullptr.hh:25:24: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef class dune_nullptr_t nullptr_t’
 typedef dune_nullptr_t nullptr_t;
In file included from /local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK/AMD/Include/amd.h:45:0,
                 from /local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK/UMFPACK/Include/umfpack.h:91,
                 from umfpack.hh:34,
                 from mymatrix.hh:78,
                 from benchmarkruntime.cc:35:
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.2/include/stddef.h:432:29: error: ‘nullptr_t’ has a previous declaration as ‘typedefstd::nullptr_t nullptr_t’
   typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t;


on va essayer de commenter le typedef dans /local/apps/src/dune/Dune/include/dune/common/nullptr.hh on va ajouter -DHAVE_NULLPTR au compilo ça passe, mais il y a un autre problème à l'édition de liens du à petsc qui n'a pas été recompilé

on essaie de recompiler petsc, et RK a fourni le script install_petsc_slepc.sh avec all comme argument ça passe toujours pas, on essaie autrement (voir wiki)

bash-4.2$ export PETSC_DIR=$PWD
bash-4.2$ ./config/configure.py --with-cc=gcc --with-fc=gfortran --with-mpi=0
  C Compiler:         gcc  -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -g3
  Fortran Compiler:   gfortran  -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -g
  Static linker:   /bin/ar cr
  Dynamic linker:   /bin/ar
  Library:  -lX11
BLAS/LAPACK: -llapack -lblas
  PETSC_ARCH: linux-gnu-c-debug
  PETSC_DIR: /local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5
  Clanguage: C
  Scalar type: real
  Precision: double
  Memory alignment: 16
  shared libraries: disabled
  dynamic libraries: disabled
   Configure stage complete. Now build PETSc libraries with:
   make PETSC_DIR=/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug all

il faut aussi ajouter la lib mpi et Different compiler and linker combinations require different flags. -R works for many GNU compiler and linker combinations, but not all compilers and linkers. In some cases, you may have to instead tell the compiler to pass the -rpath flag to the linker. One typical way to do this is with -Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib. dans LD_FLAGS dans do_work.sh pour compiler solver-bench, il a fallu aussi lancer certaines lignes du makefile à la main, ce qui est passé alors que depuis le makefile non

libtool: link: gfortran -g -O2 -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib --tag=CXX -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib -o fortrantest example_F.o writexdr.o -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib  -L/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5/linux-gnu-c-opt/lib -L/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib -L/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4/linux-gnu-c-opt/lib -L/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5/lib -L/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK/UMFPACK/Lib -L/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK/AMD/Lib -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -lslepc -lpetsc /local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib/libdunecommon.a -lumfpack -lamd -lm -lmpi -llapack -lblas
gfortran: error: unrecognized command line option '--tag=CXX'
make[2]: *** [fortrantest] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/local/apps/src/dune/solver-bench-0.70/examples'

il faut aller dans le Makefile du dossier examples/ et virer –tag=CXX des lignes LD…., avec la nouvelle verson du compilo gfortran ça passe sans problème

on vérifie sur un des benches:

RESULTS for `LS-FVM_test1_dkershaw16.xdr'
Contributor and scheme: LS-FVM
Test: 1
Mesh: dkershaw16
Problem size:
1) unknowns:                   4096
2) non-zero Matrix entries:    97336
3) entries in blocks of size:  1
Solver + Preconditioner: ISTL-CG + ILU (0) (relax. 1)
Reduction to achieve: 1e-10
Number of iterations: 409601
Residual : || b - Ax ||_inf                = 2.04981
rel. Res.: || b - Ax ||_inf / || b ||_inf  = 2.32316
Computed eigenvalues values: lambda_max = -11.2098, lambda_min = -0.00820027
Estimated condition number:  lambda_max/lambda_min = 1367
CPU time to solve in seconds: 101.545
Memory used in MB: 4.74609 (program internal)
Memory used in MB: 7.9375 (rusage.ru_maxrss)

à comparer avec http://solqual.latp.univ-provence.fr/ref_bench/a5fe7a76a75737a80d2c42e7d64b68e3/, qui montre qu'on a gagné un facteur 3!

CPU time to solve in seconds 369.315 101.545

installation sur octopus

[devel1@octopus ~/src]$ tar xzf ../downloads/dune-common-2.0.tar.gz
mkdir dune
cd dune

[devel1@octopus ~/src]$ ./dune-common-2.0/bin/dunecontrol all
[devel1@octopus dune]$ ./dune-common-2.0/bin/dunecontrol --opts=config.opts all

installer une nouvelle version de solver-bench

  • dans /local/apps/src/dune
  • déplacer l'ancienne version
  • récuperer le fichier do_work.sh
  • ne pas oublier de rajouter -lmpi dans LIBS (voir ci-dessous)


  • R.K a installé /local/apps/src/dune/solver-bench-0.1beta
  • recopié ce dossier dans /home/henry/projects/
  • dans solver-bench-0.1beta/src, il y a un programme de bench :
[henry@octopus src]$ ./benchruntime 
Usage: ./benchruntime <datafile.xdr> < UMFPACK = 0 | ISTL-CG = 1 | ISTL-BiCGstab = 2 | OEM-CG = 3 | OEM-GMRES = 4 > 

Residual: euclidian = 1.21829e-29  infinity = 1.77636e-15

ERROR: UMFPack not available, re-configure with --with-umfpack=PATH_TO_UMFPACK!! 
UMFPACK:  Final errors: euclidian = 0.493997  infinity = 0.561107
Solution needed 0 seconds. 

avec un autre solveur et une autre matrice:

[henry@octopus src]$ ./benchruntime ../../herbin/AKWAK/APPS/TROISD/resultats/matrixfile_1 2
Residual: euclidian = 2.43625e-17  infinity = 3.3555e-09
Reduction to achieve: 3.10816e-19
=== BiCGSTABSolver
 Iter          Defect            Rate
    0          8.85338
  0.5          4.34976         0.491311
    1         0.477752         0.109834
  1.5         0.328951         0.688539
    2       0.00710675        0.0216043
  2.5       0.00885003           1.2453
    3       0.00118422          0.13381
  3.5      0.000483821         0.408555
    4       2.3323e-05        0.0482058
  4.5      4.16061e-06         0.178391
    5      1.17866e-06         0.283291
  5.5      7.05524e-07          0.59858
    6      7.83043e-09        0.0110987
  6.5      6.49605e-10         0.082959
    7      9.89328e-11         0.152297
  7.5       1.2981e-11          0.13121
    8      1.51537e-12         0.116738
  8.5      1.62378e-13         0.107154
    9      3.17988e-14         0.195832
  9.5      1.81317e-15        0.0570202
   10       2.7893e-16         0.153835
 10.5      1.04694e-17        0.0375342
   11      2.14529e-18          0.20491
=== rate=0.0203082, T=0, TIT=0, IT=11
Difference : 2.91461e-09
ISTL-BiCGstab:  Final errors: euclidian = 8.49496e-18  infinity = 1.88764e-09
Solution needed 0 seconds. 
  • ajouter umfpack avec le script fourni par R.K. : umfpack_installer.sh
  • umfpack s'installe dans le répertoire courant: /local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK, en version 5.4.0
  • on recompile dune et le module solver-bench avec umfpack
  • on vérifie que c'est pris en compte:
[henry@octopus src]$ ./benchruntime ../../herbin/AKWAK/APPS/TROISD/resultats/matrixfile_1 0
Residual: euclidian = 2.43625e-17  infinity = 3.3555e-09
nR = 93 nC = 93 nZ = 1467
Rows offset is 0
Overall time for UMFPACK solve: 0.001
UMFPACK:  Final errors: euclidian = 17.687  infinity = 0.996845
Solution needed 0 seconds.


[devel1@octopus petsc-3.1-p4]$ export PETSC_DIR=$PWD                            
[devel1@octopus petsc-3.1-p4]$ ./config/configure.py --with-cc=gcc --with-fc=gfortran
  C Compiler:         gcc  -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wno-strict-aliasing -g3 
  Fortran Compiler:   gfortran  -Wall -Wno-unused-variable -g  
  Static linker:   /usr/bin/ar cr
  Library:  -lX11
BLAS/LAPACK: -llapack -lblas
  PETSC_ARCH: linux-gnu-c-debug
  PETSC_DIR: /local/apps/src/petsc-3.1-p4
  Clanguage: C
  Scalar type: real
  Precision: double
  Memory alignment: 16
  shared libraries: disabled
  dynamic libraries: disabled
   Configure stage complete. Now build PETSc libraries with:
   make PETSC_DIR=/local/apps/src/petsc-3.1-p4 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug all
[devel1@octopus petsc-3.1-p4]$      

[devel1@octopus petsc-3.1-p4]$ make PETSC_DIR=/local/apps/src/petsc-3.1-p4 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug test
Running test examples to verify correct installation
C/C++ example src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex19 run successfully with 1 MPI process
Fortran example src/snes/examples/tutorials/ex5f run successfully with 1 MPI process
Completed test examples
L'exemple ci-dessous est avec le mode debug, voir les fichiers do_work.sh pour le code optimisé
bash-3.2$ ./config/configure.py --with-mpi=0
bash-3.2$ make PETSC_DIR=/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug all
bash-3.2$ make PETSC_DIR=/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5 PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug test

bash-3.2$ export PETSC_DIR=/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5
bash-3.2$ export PETSC_ARCH=linux-gnu-c-debug
bash-3.2$ export SLEPC_DIR=/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4
bash-4.2$ cd ../slepc-3.1-p4
bash-3.2$ ./configure 
bash-3.2$ make
bash-3.2$ make test
Running test examples to verify correct installation
C/C++ example src/examples/ex1 run successfully with 1 MPI process
Fortran example src/examples/ex1f run successfully with 1 MPI process
Completed test examples

après, on essaie:

bash-3.2$ ./installdune.sh solver-comp

but i saw in the messages that petsc and slepc weren't found:

Found the following Dune-components: 


dune-common.............: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/Dune) version 2.0
dune-istl...............: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/Dune) version 2.0
BLAS....................: yes
METIS...................: no
MPI.....................: no
PETSC...................: no
ParMETIS................: no
SLEPC...................: no
SuperLU-DIST............: no
SuperLU.................: no
UMFPACK.................: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK)


See ./configure --help and config.log for reasons why a component wasn't found

si on édite config.log:

./configure CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS=-O3 -funroll-loops -finline-functions -DNDEBUG \
--prefix=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune \
--enable-parallel \
--disable-documentation --disable-compilercheck --disable-mpiruntest \
--with-umfpack=/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK \
--with-dune-common=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune --with-dune-istl=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune

alors que pour la derneire version:

./configure CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS="-O3 -funroll-loops -finline-functions -DNDEBUG" \
--prefix=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune \
--disable-documentation --disable-compilercheck --disable-mpiruntest \
--with-umfpack=/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK \
--with-petsc=/local/apps/src/petsc-3.1-p5 \
--with-dune-common=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune \
--with-dune-istl=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune \
CPPFLAGS="-I/local/apps/src/petsc-3.1-p5/linux-gnu-c-debug/include -I/usr/lib/openmpi/1.4-gcc/include" \

et ca passe donc avec la ligne:

./configure CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS="-O3 -funroll-loops -finline-functions -DNDEBUG" --prefix=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune --disable-documentation --disable-compilercheck --disable-mpiruntest --with-umfpack=/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK --with-petsc=/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5 --with-dune-common=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune --with-dune-istl=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune CPPFLAGS="-I/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5/linux-gnu-c-debug/include -I/usr/lib/openmpi/1.4-gcc/include" LDFLAGS="-L/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5/linux-gnu-c-debug/lib" 

ne pas oublier l'include openmpi, car il a besin de mpi.h alors qu'on a demande de compiler petsc sans mpi

pour rajouter slepc:

./configure CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS="-O3 -funroll-loops -finline-functions -DNDEBUG" \
--prefix=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune \
--disable-documentation --disable-compilercheck --disable-mpiruntest \
--with-umfpack=/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK \
--with-petsc=/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5 \
--with-dune-common=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune \
--with-dune-istl=/local/apps/src/dune/Dune \
--with-slepc=/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4/linux-gnu-c-debug \
--with-slepc-includedir=/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4/include \
--with-slepc-libdir=/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4/linux-gnu-c-debug/lib \
CPPFLAGS="-I/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5/linux-gnu-c-debug/include -I/usr/lib/openmpi/1.4-gcc/include -I/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4/include" \
LDFLAGS="-L/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5/linux-gnu-c-debug/lib -L/usr/lib64/openmpi/1.4-gcc/lib" \
LIBS="-lmpi -lX11"

Found the following Dune-components: 


dune-common.............: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/Dune) version 2.0
dune-istl...............: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/Dune) version 2.0
BLAS....................: yes
METIS...................: no
MPI.....................: no
PETSC...................: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/petsc-3.1-p5)
ParMETIS................: no
SLEPC...................: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/slepc-3.1-p4/linux-gnu-c-debug)
SuperLU-DIST............: no
SuperLU.................: no
UMFPACK.................: yes (/local/apps/src/dune/UMFPACK)


See ./configur
Attention, cette compilation échoue, il faut enlever LIBS, lancer le configure, et hacker manuellement les 2 Makefile pour rajouter ces libs!
bash-3.2$ diff /tmp/Makefile src/Makefile
< LIBS =    -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon   -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon ${DUNEMPILIBS}   -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon  -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon    -lm  -lumfpack -lamd -lpetsc -lslepc -llapack -lblas
> LIBS =    -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon   -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon ${DUNEMPILIBS}   -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon  -L/local/apps/src/dune/Dune/lib -ldunecommon    -lm  -lumfpack -lamd -lpetsc -lslepc -llapack -lblas -lmpi
  • dune.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2017/08/25 09:56
  • de