
install par SFE

nemo-henry% pkgchk -v SFEboost
NOTE: Couldn't lock the package database.


archive boost_1_34_1 dans /local/apps/src
en s'inspirant de cette page:

> module load ss12
> setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/ccs/bin (à cause de ld)
> setenv BOOST_JAM_TOOLSET_ROOT /opt/studio12/SUNWspro/
> cd tools/jam/src/
> ./ sunpro | & tee BUILD.LOG

Pas sur qu'il faille faire la ligne suivante?:

     ln -s bin.solaris bin # to run regression tests later

Pour avoir bjam dans le PATH:

> setenv PATH /local/apps/src/boost_1_34_1/tools/jam/src/bin.solaris:${PATH}
> bjam -sTOOLS=sunpro -j2 -d2 stage|& tee BJAM.LOG
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(don't panic: this is a strictly optional feature).
### No toolset specified. Please use --toolset option.
### Known toolsets are: acc, borland, cc, como, darwin, gcc, gcc-nocygwin, intel-linux, intel-win32, kcc, kylix, metrowerks, mingw, mipspro, msvc, qcc, sunpro, tru64cxx, vacpp, vc7, vc8, vmsdecc

il y a donc des options qui ont changées… voir

bjam --toolset=sun stdlib=sun-stlport -j2 -d2 stage | & tee BJAM.LOG

environ 2 heures de compil!

avec l'exemple donné sur le site de boost:

nemo-henry% CC -I /local/apps/src/boost_1_34_1 example2.cpp -o example2 -library=stlport4 -R /local/apps/src/boost_1_34_1/stage/lib -L /local/apps/src/boost_1_34_1/stage/lib -lboost_regex-sw-mt-d

:!: Ne pas oublier -library=stlport4 puis:

nemo-henry% ldd example2 =>     /local/apps/src/boost_1_34_1/stage/lib/ =>  /opt/studio12/SUNWspro/lib/stlport4/ =>  /lib/ =>  /usr/lib/ =>   /lib/ =>   /lib/ =>   /lib/ =>  /lib/ =>  /lib/

nemo-henry% ./example2 < jayne.txt                                              
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?
> pwd
> setenv PATH /usr/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/csw/gnu:/usr/local/wrapper/bin:.
> ./configure --prefix=/local/apps/gnu/32/boost_1_34_1
> vi user-config.jam
> make install | & tee INSTALL.LOG

Ensuite, on teste l'exemple:

nemo-henry% g++ -I/local/apps/gnu/32/boost_1_34_1/include/boost-1_34_1 example2.cpp -g -o example2 /local/apps/gnu/32/boost_1_34_1/lib/libboost_regex-gcc34-mt-d-1_34_1.a
nemo-henry% ./example2 < jayne.txt                                              
Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?

Dans le INSTALL.LOG, on voit que certaines cibles ne sont pas compilées:

...failed updating 176 targets...
...skipped 32 targets...
...updated 5600 targets...
Not all Boost libraries built properly.

par exemple:

gcc.compile.c++ bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-3.4.3/debug/threading-multi/numeric
In file included from ./boost/python/object/make_instance.hpp:9,
                 from ./boost/python/object/make_ptr_instance.hpp:8,
                 from ./boost/python/to_python_indirect.hpp:11,
                 from ./boost/python/converter/arg_to_python.hpp:10,
                 from ./boost/python/call.hpp:15,
                 from ./boost/python/object_core.hpp:12,
                 from ./boost/python/object.hpp:9,
                 from ./boost/python/tuple.hpp:10,
                 from ./boost/python/numeric.hpp:10,
                 from libs/python/src/numeric.cpp:6:
./boost/python/object/instance.hpp:44: error: a casts to a type other than an integral or enumeration type cannot appear in a constant-expression
./boost/python/object/instance.hpp:44: error: '->' cannot appear in a constant-expression
./boost/python/object/instance.hpp:44: error: `&' cannot appear in a constant-expression

FIXME le problème vient de python, ou de la version du compilateur?

boost 1_35_0

> setenv PATH /opt/csw/gcc4/bin:/opt/csw/gnu:/usr/local/wrapper/bin:/usr/bin:.
> ./configure --prefix=/local/apps/gnu/32/boost_1_35_0                          -n Building Boost.Jam with toolset gcc... 
-n Detecting Python version... 
-n Detecting Python root... 
-n Unicode/ICU support for Boost.Regex?... 
Backing up existing Boost.Build configuration in user-config.jam.2
Generating Boost.Build configuration in user-config.jam...
Generating Makefile...
> make install | & tee INSTALL.LOG
...failed updating 35 targets...
...skipped 36 targets...
...updated 5779 targets...
Not all Boost libraries built properly.

cette fois ci, les erreurs sont de la forme: bin.v2/libs/serialization/build/gcc-4.0.2/release/threading-multi/
ld: fatal: relocation error: file: bin.v2/libs/serialization/build/gcc-4.0.2/release/threading-multi/xml_grammar.o section: .rel.eh_frame symbol: .LFB2185: symbol has been discarded with discarded section: .gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost6detail15sp_counted_base7destroyEv
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

mais comme l'erreur concerne aussi, on ne peut pas tester l'exemple!

  • boost.txt
  • Dernière modification : 2017/08/25 09:56
  • de